120. Mathematics: The Study of Patterns
An introduction to the essence of mathematics, namely, the discovery
and verification of patterns, and to the historical role of mathematics
in shaping culture.
140. Statistics
An introduction to statistical thinking and the analysis of data using
such methods as graphical descriptions, correlation and regression, estimation,
hypothesis testing, and statistical models. A graphing calculator
is required.
181. Calculus I
A graphical, numerical, and symbolic study of the theory and application
of the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic
functions, and an introduction to the theory and applications of the integral.
Suitable for students of both the natural and the social sciences.
A graphing calculator is required.
182. Calculus II
A graphical, numerical, and symbolic study of the theory, techniques,
and applications of integration, and an introduction to infinite series
and/or differential equations. A graphing calculator is required.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 181 or the equivalent.
210. Multivariable Calculus
A study of the geometry of three-dimensional space and the calculus of
functions of several variables. Prerequisite: Mathematics 182.
220. Linear Algebra
The theoretical and numerical aspects of finite dimensional vector spaces,
linear transformations, and matrices, with applications to such problems
as systems of linear equations, difference and differential equations,
and linear regression. A graphing calculator is required.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 182.
235. Discrete Mathematical Models
An introduction to some of the important models, techniques, and modes
of reasoning of non-calculus mathematics. Emphasis on graph theory
and combinatorics. Applications to computing, statistics, operations
research, and the physical and behavioral sciences.
240. Differential Equations
The theory and application of first- and second-order differential equations
including both analytical and numerical techniques. Prerequisite:
Mathematics 182.
320. Mathematical Modeling
The study of problem-solving strategies to solve open-ended, real-world
problems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 182.
330. Numerical Methods
A study of the theory and computer implementation of numerical methods.
Topics include error analysis, zeros of polynominals, numerical differentiation
and integration, and systems of linear equations. Prerequisites:
Mathematics 192 and computer programming ability.
380. Geometry
A study of the foundations of Euclidean geometry with emphasis on the
role of the parallel postulate. An introduction to non-Euclidean
(hyperbolic) geometry and its intellectual implications.
421-422. Probability and Statistics
A study of probability models, random variables, estimation, hypothesis
testing, and linear models, with applications to problems in the physical
and social sciences. Prerequisite: Mathematics 210 or permission
of instructor.
431-432. Abstract Algebra
The axiomatic development of abstract algebraic systems, including groups,
rings, integral domains, fields, and vector spaces. Prerequisite:
Mathematics 220.
441-442. Mathematical Analysis
A rigorous study of the fundamental concepts of analysis, including limits,
continuity, the derivative, the Riemann integral, and sequences and series.
Prerequisites: Mathematics 210, and Mathematics 220 or 235.
450. Senior Mathematics
A capstone course for seniors majoring in mathematics with emphasis on
problem solving, independent study, and written and oral presentations.
480. Special Topics in Mathematics
Advanced topics in undergraduate mathematics offered occasionally to meet
special needs. Typical topics include number theory, foundations
of mathematics, topology, and complex variables. |