Mathematics Major Requirements

Major Prerequisites
Mathematics 181 (Calculus I)
Mathematics 182 (Calculus II)

Major Requirements
Twenty-seven semester hours distributed as follows:

  • Computer Science 235 (Programming in C++)
  • Mathematics 210 (Multivariable Calculus), 220 (Linear Algebra), 235 (Discrete Mathematical Models), and 450 (Senior Mathematics)
  • one of Mathematics 240 (Differential Equations), 320 (Mathematical Modeling), or 421 (Probability and Statistics)
  • two of Mathematics 431 (Abstract Algebra), 432 (Abstract Algebra), 441 (Mathematical Analysis), or 442 (Mathematical Analysis)
  • and one additional mathematics course numbered above 200.

For students in the Teacher Education Program, the mathematics major may be earned by completing 30 semester hours as follows:

  • Computer Science 235 (Programming in C++)
  • Mathematics 140 (Statistics), 220 (Linear Algebra), 235 (Discrete Mathematical Models), 380 (Geometry), 431 (Abstract Algebra) and 450 (Senior Mathematics)
  • one of Mathematics 210 (Multivariable Calculus), 240 Differential Equations), or 320 (Mathematical Modeling)

and two additional mathematics courses numbered above 200.

Students in the Teacher Education Program who are seeking to complete certification requirements to teach mathematics should refer to the Teacher Education Handbook and consult with the mathematics and education department chairmen to develop plans for meeting all requirements.