Links to PDF files (requires Acrobat Reader) of Articles on 1903 Pacolet Flood

The Flood of 1903:Terror Along the Pacolet River
from Textile Town:Spartanburg County South Carolina, Hub City Writers Project, 2002. pp. 77-81.Reprinted from The Great Freshet of 1903: A Morning of Terror Along the Pacolet River, by William M. Branham, Sandlapper Feb. 1980, pp. 8-12.

Selected Pictures from Seeing Spartanburg: a history in images by Philip Racine, Hub City Writers Project 1999.

Day of Disaster from A Place Called Clifton, by Michael Hembree and David Moore, Jacobs Press 1987, pp.78-95.

Lost in the Sand from Clifton a River of Memories, by Michael Hembree and David Moore, Jacobs Press 1988, pp.168-173.

From 1904 Spartanburg Almanac compiled by Wofford College Professors J.A. Gamewell and D.D. Wallace, published by W.F. Barnes, Spartanburg, 1904, pp. 7-15.

It Can and Has Happened in South Carolina, from The State Magazine, October 2, 1955.

Destructive Floods in the United States in 1903, by E.C. Murphy.  Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 96; Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 11; United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1904, pp 9-20.